We are lonely people in a crowded sea of faces.
There was a time, indeed, when men went off hunting together. The women gathered in each other’s homes, cooking, talking. Groups of families shucked corn. Not to say this all sounds terribly exciting. But there was a time when people needed each other, supported one another, and lived life together. We actually had not just connections but relationships.
Deep inside we recognize our deep need for others.
But we’re too busy to think about it.
When I give my clients an overall life assessment, the social aspect is usually rated one of the lowest. Even with Facebook and Twitter. We may have thousands of “friends,” but few real relationships. I’ve got over five hundred connections on Linkedin, but not one knows about where I, the coach, feel stuck, or what great needs I have in my own life.
And where does that leave me? And you?
We crave relationship, deep communication, to know and be known. We have a desperate need to belong, to feel that we are valued and needed in return.
Growing and maintaining relationships is an intentional doing. It takes time, energy, creativity, and the willingness to slow down for just a little while to rest in the presence of others.
So what are you doing to enliven your social life? How do you make new friends? How do you keep old friendships from becoming stagnant, only to wither and drop away? Please share your ideas and comments in the box below.